The World's Quietest Room A Place So Silent It Can Make You Hallucinate

Even though silence might be calming, what happens if it becomes absolute? There is a room at Orfield Laboratories in Minneapolis that is so silent that guests can hear their own organs working. This anechoic chamber, which has been measured at -9.4 dB, is regarded as the quietest room in the world and is among the most intense sensory sensations ever documented.

What Makes the Room So Quiet?

Orfield Labs' anechoic chamber is made to absorb 99.99% of all sound. Double walls of steel and concrete, soundproofing material, and thick layers of fiberglass wedges cover the walls, floor, and ceiling. This special architecture creates a completely silent atmosphere by keeping out all outside noise and removing all echoes.

The Effects of Extreme Silence

It's difficult to spend time in the quietest room in the world. The body starts to detect internal sounds that are often muffled when there is no outside noise present. The noises of their digestive system operating, their own heartbeat, and blood flowing through their veins are all reported by visitors.

People begin to have hallucinations after only half an hour because their brains are unable to adjust to the intense silence. Before the sensory deprivation proved unbearable, the longest anyone has been in the chamber was forty-five minutes.

Why Was This Room Created?

Originally, the chamber was constructed to test the sound quality of items such as hearing aids, appliances, and aeronautical technology. To make sure their products run as silently as possible, businesses utilize the chamber to monitor the exact sound levels of their products. NASA has also trained astronauts in similar settings to help them get acclimated to the quiet of space.

Could You Handle the Silence?

Complete quiet may sound like a nice idea, but the reality is very different. Because of the way the human brain is structured to interpret sound, it might react in unexpected ways when it isn't given external inputs. The difficulty, if you ever get the chance to visit Orfield Labs, is not simply remaining silent but also tolerating the silence.


The world’s quietest room at Orfield Labs is an incredible testament to the power of silence. While it serves practical purposes in scientific research and product testing, it also reveals how much we rely on sound for orientation and mental stability. So, how long do you think you could last in absolute silence?

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